Straight Talk Wealth Radio
Straight Talk Wealth Radio
Global Debt and the Future of Gold
There's a feeling out there that the investments markets have weak underpinnings, and that soon, the tides will change.
But do you understand why some pundits feel that way? With historically low unemployment, high prime-age workforce, and so thereby monetized consumers, what could go wrong?
Extreme global levels of debt. That's what.
Now, I'm not declaring any doomsday or recession. But if you're wondering where the fears start, they start there - with global debt levels. Because it's always the over-leveraging of debt into a bubble by investors and the banking system that causes "The Big Ones" when it comes to crashes.
Again, I'm not saying this is imminent in the near future at all. But in this episode, we start with global debt to help you understand a much more close-to-home related issue that I see so much misunderstanding and misguided asset allocation chasing toward. I'm talking about the Religion of Goldbugs.
When global debt breaks, as it did in 2008, did it cause inflation, or deflation? Is gold an inflationary asset, or a deflationary asset? If you're holding a major allocation of gold, and you don't immediately know the answer to those questions, maybe you've drank a little Kool-Aid, too?
I'll break it down for you in this episode, and actually help you have greater certainty when to own gold and when to dump it.
Episode includes articles on Global Debt from the International Monetary Fund and The Washington Post, plus excepts from my one-on-one interview with Harry S. Dent a few years ago. Plus, there's an offer to acquire a greater library of useful materials on the subject of Inflation, Deflation, and Gold.
Talk to Bruce by visiting https://www.straighttalkwealth.com