Straight Talk Wealth Radio
Straight Talk Wealth Radio
The Current Direction of the US Economy: Boom or Bust?
The U.S. economy is currently in the midst of the longest expansion in history.
But for retiring Boomers, or those near retirement, it's not about where we've come from, but about where we're going! Boomers don't have any room left for another decade of mistakes in their saving or investing strategy.
Of course, there are only two answers - Growth or Contraction. And if you're like the average IRA or 401k owner, you're hearing both stories circulating right now, and you don't know who to believe!
In this episode of Straight Talk Wealth Radio host, Bruce Weide, reaches out to economists on both ends of the argument and helps you understand the essential differences in their current economic predictions so that you can better think for yourself, by better understanding Economics 101, and the basis of their arguments.
Episode features two opposing viewpoints about the future of the American Economy!
With Logan Mohtashami, financial writer and blogger covering the U.S. economy with a specialization in the housing market.
And Harry S. Dent, N.Y. Times Bestselling Author of Sale of a Lifetime - How the Great Bubble Burst Can Make You Rich.
Talk to Bruce by visiting https://www.straighttalkwealth.com